Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It finally looks like spring!

Pea plants are up and looking healthy!

Brussels Sprouts are outside getting used to the weather before I plant them.

And my beautiful apple tree is in full bloom!


  1. Your blog reminds me to plant the brussel sprouts, which I have yet to do. Hope I'm not too late! What variety of apple tree is that?
    Mine are blooming as well! Exciting!

  2. It's not too late to plant. I have hardly anything planted yet. I think most people rush around and get stuff in too early. I take my time and my stuff usually catches up!

    Can you believe I have no idea what kind of tree it is? It was here when we bought the house. It was young then - it had 3 apples on it the first year we lived here. They are good tasting whatever they are!
