Thursday, August 02, 2007

Yummy Homemade Salsa from my Garden

Fresh produce from my garden this morning! The tomatoes are Opalka and Grape.

Here is the finished product.

Usually when I make salsa I just throw things together and taste as I go - but since I wanted to enter the recipe into my new software, I measured everything out - so here is the recipe.

1 lb. 4.45 oz tomatoes, chopped
5.7 oz chopped onions
.65 oz green chili pepper
.25 oz garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
.05 oz. fresh oregano
2 tablespoons lemon juice

And here is what my new software can do:


  1. Great, yummy looking salsa, and that sounds like some really cool software!

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    That looks yummy! Thank you for posting this recipe! Denise

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    What a great site! My wife and I have been into flower gardens for many years now but are just now doing a vegetable garden this year. This is our first stab at growing edibles but think we should do fine over time since our flowers always turn out great. Please keep updating your site, and I will save to my favorites and check back. I really enjoyed reading through it and getting inspiration for what we may one day be able to achieve!
