Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007

Just over a week since I planted them and more than half of the seeds have sprouted.
Most of the lettuce is up (the two left rows) and the basil (the right row).

The Brussels Sprouts are all up. Just one cauliflower so far. The Red Cabbage in the back have all germinated, but I'm still waiting for the green cabbage. The green cabbage seeds may be just taking longer - or they may be too old. I'll give them a little while before replanting.

The tomatoes are all pretty much up - the 3 middle rows. On the right, one watermelon is up. Off to the left, none of the peppers have germinated yet - but they are always the last to come up.

The weather has been beautiful - unseasonably warm. I spent some of the weekend cleaning up the yard. When I pruned the grapes in the winter, I left the vines laying in the yard - so I got them all bagged up. I would have liked to do more, but I seem to have come down with a cold - the first one in a very long time! Healthy eating keeps me pretty healthy most of the time.

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