Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Maybe I will give wax beans another try next year

My wax beans that I was so diappointed in have come back to life. They started flowering again and producing beans - maybe it was just the extreme heat and drought. In my last post about them, I said how the Blue Lake were looking better - but now I have actually gotten more Wax Beans than Blue Lake. Maybe I will try a tower of each again next year.
Everything in my garden seems to be liking the cooler nights - this is much better weather for gardening. Even if the drought continues, the break in heat is nice - and we did get enough water for the lawn to green back up. Every year the weather is a challenge in some way and every year some plants do better than others and it can be hard to decide if it was just a bad year or if that plant isn't suited to your garden's particular growing conditions.

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