Monday, June 19, 2006

The Peaches are Disappearing

I knew that when I planted a peach tree that I was going out on a limb in Minnesota, but it was developed for colder climates....even so I did not allow my taste buds to start watering - after all, it would be several years before it produced fruit. Even when it bloomed for the first time this spring, I didn't get my hopes up - after all, there were not that many blossoms and who knew how many would set fruit and we all know that not all of the fruit that is set makes it to maturity. But somewhere along the line as the fruits grew and I wasn't losing any, I started to get excited. As of Friday I still had a dozen, but last night when I was watering I didn't see two that I knew should be there - surely they were just blending in really well - I looked from every angle - even getting down on my hands and knees (it is still a small tree) and looking up from below - they were no where to be found. So I counted again and could only find 5. I looked on the ground to see if they had fallen off in the storm Friday night - but there were none on the ground. The birds must have discovered them. I must admit I am disappointed - I do hope at least one makes it to maturity. But even if none make it - it has been fun seeing the peaches make it this far in this northern climate - next year should be a better year as the tree will be one year older.


  1. Hey Kath. We have a peach tree here in PA. We moved into our home in 2003 and we had tons of peaches then...none last year...and now we are getting them again. I was told they come up every other year. Is that true with all peach trees or just certain ones? Just curious.

  2. Hi Amy. I don't know - I have heard the same thing about apple trees here but someone told me that the every other year thing for apples is only if you aren't pruning and taking care of your tree. Perhaps the same is true for peaches. Good question. I think I will try and research that.

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  4. Nope, not true about apples. We get apples every year. :-)

  5. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Kathy - could also be squirrels - they've nearly completely stripped my 2 apple trees now - tried the smelly spray and even hiding the apples inside brown paper lunch bags, they must have thought I was wrapping the apples just for them.
